
  • Stimulated Emission Depletion super-resolution imaging
  • High sensitivity point scanning confocal with pulsed white light laser
  • High-sensitivity GaAsP HyD detectors with gating and photon counting
  • Spectrally tunable emission bands
  • Resonant scanner for low photo-toxicity
  • Inverted configuration
  • 3D z-stacks, timelapse, stitching, multi-position timelapse

  • Optical trapping of beads or protein or membrane complexes
  • Confocal imaging  between two optical traps with 488nm and 561nm lasers
  • DNA–binding protein experiments: Study molecular mechanisms involved in DNA organization, repair, replication, transcription, and RNA translation.
  • Others: Protein folding; Cytoskeleton structure and transport; Mechanobiology.
  • Phase separation.
  • Immuno-oncology.