LMCF Rules of Operation

LMCF Rules of Operation

  1. All users must be trained by LMCF staff to use the microscope(s).  Why?
  2. Follow safe operating procedures for live samples.
  3. Using the microscopes:
    • Always reserve the microscope using the online booking calendar indicating which lasers etc. you will use. Why?
    • Please start your session punctually (on evenings and weekends as well as regular hours). The billing starts automatically from the start of your session. Why?
    • Turn each microscope on and off as described, don't turn on components you won't use (eg arc lamp when only doing DIC)
    • All Arc lamps must be kept on for 30 min minimum and need to cool for 30 min before being reignited. Why?
    • Record your use of the system through the CoreResearch System. You will be charged only for the time used, but please try and be considerate to others and not book excessive time. Why?
    • If you finish more than 30 min early, please update your end-time on the booking calendar (this is done automatically when you press stop) so others can see the scope is available, or contact the next user, as you think is most appropriate
    • Leave the microscope and room clean and ready for the next user. Clean any oil/water objectives you used.
    • If you bring any live specimens to LMCF please dispose of them in your lab. No potentially harmful samples can be imaged in LMCF.
    • Check the online booking calendar at the end of your session; leave the system on if someone is booked next (within 2 hr for scanning confocals or the live cell scope, 1 hr for other scopes), otherwise turn it off. Keep lasers in standby whenever possible to prolong their life. Why?
    • It is very helpful to us if you can report any problems with the scopes.
  4. Canceling
    • If you need to cancel your session, please delete your reserved time on the booking calendar as far ahead as possible.
    • If you fail to cancel your reservation and don't use the machine, the charge is made for the entire reserved time instead of the time used as marked on the logbook. Why?
    • If you cancel your session you are responsible for ensuring the microscope is turned off, if appropriate. The person before you will leave the scope on if there is someone booked after them. This is particularly important if you are booked to be the last user of the day.
  5. You are responsible for your data.
    • Any images left on the computer hard-drives are unsafe and may be deleted without warning. Transfer your data to a safe location as soon as possible after acquisition.
    • Please don't leave behind copies of your files because the servers/computers quickly get over-loaded by the volume of image files produced.
    • (Caveat for small files, we understand sometime it is useful to store a reference file (eg to reload settings) so it is fine to keep permanently a small volume of data in a clearly labeled folder)
    • More information is available on our Data Server page.

Rationale for LMCF Rules

All users must be trained by LMCF staff to use the microscope(s).
Users then know how to operate the microscope properly, we know who is using the microscopes, training is free and tailored to your needs.
Always reserve the microscope using the online booking calendar.
Helps avoid clashes, lets any user signed up later to know the scope has been left on for them, is the basis of the billing
Start on time . . . don't book excessive time . . . notify the next user if you finish early.
We get the most out of the scopes. It's not ideal if a scope is booked solidly all day but sits unused for an hour or two.
All Arc lamps must be kept on for 30 min minimum and need to cool for 30 min before being reignited.
Turning an arc lamp on and off reduces its life. If the lamp is switched off before it has fully warmed up mercury condenses on the glass :( Having minimum times for the lamp to be on and off increases the lifetime of the expensive bulbs
Check the online booking calendar at the end of your session; leave the system on if someone is booked within . . .
Turning lasers/arc lamps on and off reduces their lifetime. The procedures are designed to prolong the life of the $$$ components
When reservations are unused and not canceled, the lab is charged for the entire time rather than the time actually used.
To discourage wasted time. Some microscopes are often booked all day and somebody else could have used the time if the reservation had been canceled.