Live Cell Station 1: Zeiss Axio Observer Z1

Live Cell Station 1: Zeiss Axio Observer Z1




  • Imaging living samples and fixed samples - any fluorescent protein
  • Temperature, humidity, CO2 control
  • High sensitivity - EMCCD camera
  • Multiposition timelapse
  • Tiled images


$19.50/hr for first 3 hours, then $5/hr for the rest of imaging session when booked for more than 4 hours

Detailed Specifications

Detailed specifications:

Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 motorized

Opto-electronically encoded motorized XY stage 130*85 mm travel. Inserts for slides, 35 mm dishes and multiwell plates.

Pecon XL S1 incubator and control modules

X-CITE 120XL metal halide fluorescence light source

Filter cubes:

  1. Analyzer
  2. DAPI filter cube 49 (BP G365, FT 395, BP 445/50)
  3. Cy5 filter cube (Semrock FF01-630/38, FF655-Di01, FF01-694/44)
  4. GFP filter cube HE38 (BP 470/40, FT 495, BP 525/50)
  5. YFP filter cube HE46 (BP 500/20, FT 515, BP 535/30)
  6. Red filter cube HQ45 (BP 560/40, FT 585, BP 630/75)

FRET cube available (Semrock x438/24, FF458-Di01, m542/27) - swap into position 4 for ratiometric CFP/YFP FRET

Also available (please ask LMCF staff for them):

  1. CFP filter cube HE47 (BP 436/20, FT 455, BP 480/40)
  2. Cy7 filter cube (BP710/75, FT750, BP810/90)

Fluorescence attenuator:

  • Open (100% Transmission)
  • 70% T
  • 50% T
  • 40% T
  • 20% T
  • 2% T


  • 2.5x/0.075 EC-Plan-NeoFluar (440310-9903), WD: 9.5mm
  • 5x/0.16 Plan-NeoFluar (440320-9902), WD: 18.5mm
  • 10x/0.30 Plan-NeoFluar Ph1 (440331-9902), WD: 5.2mm
  • 20x/0.80 Plan-Apochromat DICII (440640-9903), WD: 0.55mm, Coverglass: 0.17mm
  • 63x/1.4 Oil Plan Apochromat DICIII (440762-9904), WD: 0.19mm, Coverglass: 0.17mm
  • 100x/1.46 (Oil) Plan Apochromat DICIII (420792-9800), WD: 0.11mm, Coverglass: 0.17mm, (UV)VIS-IR
  • Available: 40x/1.3 Oil Plan-NeoFluar DICII (440452-9903), WD: 0.20mm, Coverglass: 0.17mm
  • Available: 40x/0.75 EC-Plan-NeoFluar DICII (440350-9903), WD: 0.71mm, Coverglass: 0.17mm

Calibrations for Photometrics Evolve EMCCD and CoolSNAP HQ2 cameras:

  • 2.5x EMCCD px=6.1650 um, CoolSNAP px=2.420 um
  • 5x EMCCD px= 3.0828 um, CoolSNAP px= 1.264 um
  • 10x EMCCD px= 1.5556 um, CoolSNAP px= 0.613 um
  • 20x EMCCD px= 0.7726 um, CoolSNAP px= 0.309 um
  • 40x EMCCD px= 0.3810 um, CoolSNAP px= 0.157 um
  • 63x EMCCD px= 0.2423 um, CoolSNAP px= 0.098 um
  • 100x EMCCD px= 0.1558 um, CoolSNAP px=0.062 um


  • Photometrics Evolve back-thinned EMCCD camera (512*512)
  • Photometrics CoolSNAP HQ2 CCD camera (1392*1040)


  • HP Z4 G4 Worstation, Intel W-2133 3.6GHz processor, 32GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P620 2GB graphics
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • MetaMorph 7.10.1, system ID 32330
  • ZEN Pro 2.3